

Generations Homecare System

Integrated Database Systems


Generations Homecare System Introduces *New* EVV Solution for North Carolina

Generations Homecare System offers North Carolina homecare providers an interface to HHAeXchange and CareBridge, this is in addition to the existing interface with Sandata.


[Mt. Pleasant, MI, July 1, 2021] Generations would like to share its interface to HHAeXchange and CareBridge in addition to the existing interface with Sandata, for North Carolina homecare providers. This exciting news means North Carolina homecare providers can seamlessly bill Medicaid in addition to meeting all state Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements.

We are pleased to offer this solution to homecare agencies in North Carolina. While Generations EVV is used across the United States by agencies that bill Medicaid, it can also benefit any agency that wishes to collect visit verification data in real-time.” – Lance Ferden, Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer.

North Carolina homecare teams that use Generations benefit from:

  • Simplified state reimbursements
  • Ease of meeting all state EVV requirements
  • Real-time visit verification

Using Generations EVV, agencies can conveniently gather electronic signatures in real-time from caregivers, clients, and nursing supervisors to certify the completion of tasks and the approval of care plans. This benefits all agencies – not just those that bill Medicaid,” – Lisa Ferden, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Generations Homecare System is an application that gives homecare providers the power to improve care outcomes, boost referrals, and streamline day-to-day tasks.


If you would like to learn more about this topic, please email info@homecaresoftware.com. Additionally, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GenerationsHCS.

Watch the webinar we created just for North Carolina! Click below to watch today.