The month of July was a great month for learning. Check out some of our team’s favorite articles this month

1. What Agencies Need to Know About Electronic Visit Verification

Check out this informative article written by our co-founder, Lisa Ferden. Lisa shares the ins and outs of EVV and how agencies can prepare, implement, and have long-term success with EVV by using the right technology partner. 

2. 5 Ways To Add Laughter To Caregiving

We loved this article from Daily Caring about ways caregivers can bring laughter to their profession. Author Nicole Brackett, L.P.N, shares some great tips for how caregivers can alleviate their stress and bring joy to their clients with laughter.

3. Be Sun Smart

With the summer heat in full effect, this article from Cancer Council covers the ways you can stay protected from the harmful effects of the sun.

4. Five Things Homecare Agencies Can Do to Help Business

Generations marketing team member, Olivia Sheffer, reviews 5 unique ways homecare agencies can boost their business.

5. Caring For The Caregiver: 6 Ways To Help And Improve Your Health

It’s no secret that caregiving is a demanding career. This article shares some ways caregivers can ensure they are taking care of themselves and protecting their physical and mental health.

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