Each year from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. According to the National Hispanic Heritage Month site, “We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success.” In honor of this month, we would like to take this opportunity to discuss the importance of cultural competency in the homecare industry.

As the population of the United States continues to diversify, it’s important that the homecare industry takes initiative. Homecare agencies have the responsibility of providing culturally literate care to their clients. An article from MedCom describes cultural competency as the understanding of various cultures and beliefs. Culturally competent caregivers play a key role in providing care that honors their patients’ cultural backgrounds. Generations Homecare System honors this by providing the Mobile App in both English and Spanish for caregivers.

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, here are a couple of ways to help seniors aging in place celebrate:

Read A Book:

This article from Lincoln School shares 35 books that explore the Hispanic/Latinx culture. This list includes something for all ages from picture books to chapter books. With a diverse selection of material, there are many opportunities to learn about Hispanic culture.

Visit A Museum Virtually:

Learn about the rich history of Hispanic culture through a virtual museum tour! This article from Insight Into Diversity shares several museum tour opportunities you can do from the comfort of your home. 

Watch A Movie:

There is a movie for everyone which is why watching a movie is a great idea. This article from American Airlines lists 15 films that showcase Hispanic culture.

Plan A Fun Activity:

What better way to celebrate than with a fun activity? Check out these 12 activities from Oprah Daily you can do to honor Hispanic heritage month. With activities ranging from cooking to curating a playlist, there is something for everyone.

To learn more about National Hispanic History Month and some more ideas of ways to celebrate, visit the official website.

We want to hear from you! Share your celebrations with us on social media. Find us on Twitter and Facebook @GenerationsHCS and on LinkedIn @Generations Homecare System.