“…homecare is increasingly becoming the most popular choice among seniors and persons experiencing disabilities. It is safe to say that private duty homecare is on the rise and growth won’t likely slow in our lifetimes.” – Private Duty, Private Pay and A Booming Homecare Industry

It likely comes as no surprise that the homecare and private duty industry is growing at a rapid pace. With more visibility than ever before and a movement away from institutional settings and back to at-home care, there is no better time to be in this line of work. Each of us – from homecare agency owners to caregivers to technology providers – has an opportunity to grow profitable, client-centered and results-driven businesses.

How to Build A Successful Homecare Business

As Generations enters into the new decade, it’s important that we as a company stay abreast of the many changes happening in the homecare space. One way we do that is by regularly reading literature from experts in the field. Doing so is just a piece of the puzzle, of course, but it’s an important piece that helps us deliver powerful homecare software solutions year after year.

When not building the next great feature or training our clients on how to win referrals and build successful homecare businesses, you might find us on the sites below.

10 Ways We’ll Stay Informed in 2020

See below for 10 places we’ll go to for news and information this year, including links to some of our favorite articles of 2019. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and websites are listed alphabetically.


AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age. – AARP

Notable read of 2019:

Caregiving Tech Hacks” (Okay, this one is less of a read and more of a watch!)


Seniors haven’t reached the end: they’ve reached a new beginning. And Aging.com was set up to help you start this new phase of your life on the right foot. Our mission is to help you and thousands of other older adults who want to live independently, plan your finances, and take charge of your health care. – Aging.com

Notable read of 2019:

“The Ultimate Guide to Aging Comfortably On A Financial Budget”

The Arc

The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes. – The Arc

Notable read of 2019: 

“Huge Victory for Community Living for People With Disabilities: Agreement in Congress to Commit to Money Follows the Person Program”

Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. – Alzheimer’s Association

Notable read of 2019:

“10 Ways to Help a Family Living with Alzheimer’s

The Elder Justice Coalition

The Elder Justice Coalition (EJC), through national and grassroots advocacy commits to: increasing public awareness at the local, state, and national level about the tragedy of elder abuse, neglect, and and exploitation; building support for the Elder Justice Act in the Senate and House of Representatives; monitoring, and influencing if necessary, any relevant legislation or regulations that impact the prevention of elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. – The Elder Justice Coalition

Notable read of 2019:

Any article linked to in The Elder Justice Coalition’s list of resources.


HomeCare® covers the HME/DME provider, home health agency and caregiver markets. – Homecare magazine

Notable read of 2019:

“How Disruption & Data are Moving Health Care Forward”

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging’s primary mission is to build the capacity of our members so they can help older adults and people with disabilities live with dignity and choices in their homes and communities for as long as possible. – National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Notable read of 2019:

“Spotlight on Innovations and Achievements: Dallas Area Agency on Aging

National Council on Aging

We’re a respected national leader and trusted partner to help people aged 60+ meet the challenges of aging. – National Council on Aging

Notable read of 2019:

“Pioneering Culturally Responsive Outreach in New Mexico”

National Center on Elder Abuse

To improve the national response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation by gathering, housing, disseminating, and stimulating innovative, validated methods of practice, education, research, and policy. The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment. – National Center on Elder Abuse

Notable read of 2019:

“Important Findings from the NCEA Resource Line


We make aging better for LGBT people nationwide. How? We show up and speak out for the issues that matter to us. We teach. We answer your calls. We connect—generations, each other, allies. We win. And together, we celebrate. – Sage

Notable read of 2019:

“National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

Let’s Carry the Conversation Forward Together

What about you? What are the sites and who are the thought leaders you bookmark? Send us an email. We just might add it to our list.


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Looking forward to continuing the conversation with you this year and beyond.

–Team G