
Software Update July 10, 2024

  • CareBridge WY- Increase visit export to 1 year (GEN-4531)
  • Caregiver NPI Field sending for HHAX MI causing billing errors on CMS1500 Line 24J (GEN-4654)
  • Sandata CT Interface is not displaying correctly for agencies still on a Closed Model (GEN-4659)
  • Payroll Export is not in sequential order when opened in Excel (GEN-4665)
  • Invoice Details Report not populating when selecting “All Payors” (GEN-4724)
  • Sandata-Ohio all visits errored (GEN-4732)
  • Other internal updates and optimizations

Software Update June 4, 2024

Sprint 5.33

  • Sandata CT open model interface implementation (GEN-4340).
  • Turn-by-turn directions in mobile app (GEN-2008).
  • HHAX interface optimizations (GEN-4453).
  • Tellus interface – added additional options for filtering and exporting in the log tab (GEN-1039).
  • Ability to include Date of Birth on online application when enabled in company settings (GEN-4125).
  • HHAX AR interface updated Schedule Date to be date range (GEN-4235).
  • Gross Profit Report – exclude cancelled shifts (GEN-4346).
  • Generations AR minor fixes and usability (GEN-4509).
  • Fixes for map navigation on iPhone (GEN-4559).
  • Other internal updates and optimizations.

Software Update May 2, 2024

Update includes interface with Michigan (HHAX) and other small fixes and optimizations.

  • Michigan Medicaid Interface with HHAX (GEN-3688).
  • Removed inactive Referral Sources from default results when searching (GEN-4445).
  • Optimization to schedule grid (GEN-4293).
  • Update activity codes for NH Authenticare (GEN-4304).
  • Other internal updates and optimizations (4163,4407,4443,4162,4166,4240,4317,4397,4398,4405,4085,4200,4245,4450,4014,4391)

Software Update April 3, 2024

This patch is a maintenance release focusing on minor bug fixes and optimizations. Some of the key areas update are:

  • IConnect FL interface to include group note (GEN-4321).
  • HHAX AR updates (4232,4280)
  • HHAX MS updates (4368)
  • Carebridge-WY updates (4228)
  • Mapping fixes (GEN-3528,4222)
  • EVV general improvements (GEN-4272,4281)
  • QB Interface (GEN-4105,4184
  • Santrax-MO (GEN-4226)
  • NH Authenticare remove requirement for caregiver state license number (4302).
  • Mobile App – referral source filter set to active by default (4215)
  • Other fixes and updates (15 tickets)

Software Update March 5, 2024

  • New Authenticare NH Interface integration (GEN-3530,3838).
  • New medications master list for drug, dose, frequency, and route (GEN-3587).
  • Generations Accounts Receivable module for tracking AR (invoicing, payments, credit memos) (GEN-3564).
  • Required client fields fix resolves and issue enabling the requirement on fields(GEN-4208).
  • NPI override for billing introduces the ability to override the NPI on service orders. Pertains to the CMS1500 & 837 claim formats.(GEN-4068).
  • Referral list now defaults to showing active referral sources (GEN-4218).
  • Other minor optimizations.

Software Update Feb 21, 2024

New Features:

  • Referral Source: Multiple Enhancements(GEN-1837)
    • Ability to group, filter, and assign by company hierarchy.
    • Redesigned page to reflect company attribute.
    • New assigned clients tab to view all clients assigned to the referral source.
    • Help Documentation
  • Flu Vaccination Tracking (GEN-2566)
  • EVV Setting: Custom Rounding Rules by Payor (GEN-2812)
  • EVV Setting: Early Logout Rounding Option (GEN-3828)
  • Mobile App for Office Staff: Manually Login/Logout Caregiver (GEN-3230)
  • MARS on Mobile App (GEN-1339)
  • Mandatory Client Fields (GEN-2614)
    • Client Type, Location, Inquiry Date, and Referred By can be marked as required.
    • Help Documentation
  • Security User-Specific Export (GEN-3034)
  • Calendar Service Ending Alert (GEN-3097)
  • Auto Logout Countdown (GEN-3100)
  • HHAX Billing Export: new rejection detail report (GEN-3389)
  • EVV Schedules new service order alert column (GEN-3426)
  • Edit Schedules: HHAX TRN field for applicable interfaces. (GEN-3462)
  • Client Info Summary Report: options to Include other EVV phone and addresses (GEN-3476)
  • Message Center
    • added support for non-English characters (GEN-3501)
    • mark message as read when viewed  by caregiver (GEN-3722)
  • Document Management: added search (GEN-3616)
  • Sandata Export: added client filter (GEN-4099)
  • Medical Record Number Option in Charting Report (GEN-3969)
  • Completed Schedules and Tasks Report Group by Caregiver Option (GEN-3818)
  • EVV Schedule to not Auto-Confirm when Service Order is Violated (GEN-2652)
  • ADP Location Specific Export Settings (GEN-4066)
  • Ignore PO Box in Mapping (GEN-3877)
  • Label Changes:
    • “Self Directed Care” to “Client Directed Care” (GEN-3507)
    • “Alternate Description” to “Procedure Code” (GEN-3633)
  • Other minor fixes and optimizations

Software Update Feb 7, 2024

  • Applicant Personal Data
    • Now includes COVID vaccination information (GEN-1880).
  • Billing Reports
    • Added an option to abbreviate caregiver names (GEN-3783).
  • Cancelled Shifts Report
    • Added a case manager filter for more refined results (GEN-3936).
  • Caregiver Reminder Report
    • Added a classification filter for more refined results (GEN-3334).
  • Caregiver Search
    • Added a filter to exclude caregivers who have not had a prior visit with the client (GEN-3257).
  • Case Managers
    • Now includes a status field, allowing for inactivation (GEN-1567).
  • Client Notes by Date Range
    • Introducing a new option to include calendar notes (GEN-3000).
  • Completed Schedules and Task Report
    • Added the ability to filter by service for enhanced reporting (GEN-1746).
  • Timesheet Creation
    • Enhanced functionality to support billing for flat rate items as well as paying hourly on the same schedule for overnight shifts (GEN-3851).
  • Dashboard (Operational Section)
    • Added metrics for Caregivers Scheduled and Clients Scheduled (GEN-3351).
  • Gross Profit Report
    • Added a filter to select clients brought in by date range (GEN-3625).
    • Now includes other expenses in the profit calculation (GEN-2905).
    • Introducing the option to group results by payor for more detailed insights (GEN-2999).
  • Billing Export
    • Implementation of new specifications for OR Billing Export (GEN-3961).
  • General
    • Numerous minor fixes and optimizations addressing 55 tickets.

Software Update Jan 4, 2024

  • Carebridge interface prioritizes selected payors for display in the list (GEN-3870).
  • Service Orders now includes a ‘iConnect Service ID’ field, specifically for integration with the ‘ADP iConnect FL’ interface (GEN-3894).
  • iConnect XML export file’s naming convention has been revised to feature the first 5 characters of the company name, instead of the previously used last 5 characters. (GEN-3892).
  • Oregon billing export update to round to whole units (GEN-3819).
  • Service Authorization Summary has been added as a new report option on the “Service Order Authorizations Report” page. This report is presented in a columnar format and can be exported to Excel for further analysis (GEN-3677).
  • Sandata WI has introduced a new requirement effective 01/01/2024, mandating the inclusion of the client segment for specific payor programs and procedure codes (GEN-3661).
  • Carebridge interface now includes a Schedule Date filter in the log tab (GEN-3436).
  • Carebridge WY now includes a GPS Distance Exception (Exceptioncode “25”) for caregiver check-in/out locations beyond 0.5 miles from a member’s address. New fields added to the visit export: CheckinDistance, CheckoutDistance, CheckinLocationReason, CheckoutLocationReason (GEN-3967).
  • Other minor fixes and optimizations.

Older Release Notes:

Release notes prior to 2022 are archived and no longer available

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Generations – A Solution from IDS
2625 Denison Suite A, Mount Pleasant MI – 48858

989-546-4512 | info@homecaresoftware.com

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