• Carebridge interface prioritizes selected payors for display in the list (GEN-3870).
  • Service Orders now includes a ‘iConnect Service ID’ field, specifically for integration with the ‘ADP iConnect FL’ interface (GEN-3894).
  • iConnect XML export file’s naming convention has been revised to feature the first 5 characters of the company name, instead of the previously used last 5 characters. (GEN-3892).
  • Oregon billing export update to round to whole units (GEN-3819).
  • Service Authorization Summary has been added as a new report option on the “Service Order Authorizations Report” page. This report is presented in a columnar format and can be exported to Excel for further analysis (GEN-3677).
  • Sandata WI has introduced a new requirement effective 01/01/2024, mandating the inclusion of the client segment for specific payor programs and procedure codes (GEN-3661).
  • Carebridge interface now includes a Schedule Date filter in the log tab (GEN-3436).
  • Carebridge WY now includes a GPS Distance Exception (Exceptioncode “25”) for caregiver check-in/out locations beyond 0.5 miles from a member’s address. New fields added to the visit export: CheckinDistance, CheckoutDistance, CheckinLocationReason, CheckoutLocationReason (GEN-3967).
  • Other minor fixes and optimizations.