
Software Update July 10, 2024

CareBridge WY- Increase visit export to 1 year (GEN-4531) Caregiver NPI Field sending for HHAX MI causing billing errors on CMS1500 Line 24J (GEN-4654) Sandata CT Interface is not displaying correctly for agencies still on a Closed Model (GEN-4659) Payroll Export is...

Software Update June 4, 2024

Sprint 5.33 Sandata CT open model interface implementation (GEN-4340). Turn-by-turn directions in mobile app (GEN-2008). HHAX interface optimizations (GEN-4453). Tellus interface – added additional options for filtering and exporting in the log tab (GEN-1039)....

Software Update May 2, 2024

Update includes interface with Michigan (HHAX) and other small fixes and optimizations. Michigan Medicaid Interface with HHAX (GEN-3688). Removed inactive Referral Sources from default results when searching (GEN-4445). Optimization to schedule grid (GEN-4293). Update...

Software Update April 3, 2024

This patch is a maintenance release focusing on minor bug fixes and optimizations. Some of the key areas update are: IConnect FL interface to include group note (GEN-4321). HHAX AR updates (4232,4280) HHAX MS updates (4368) Carebridge-WY updates (4228) Mapping fixes...

Software Update March 5, 2024

New Authenticare NH Interface integration (GEN-3530,3838). New medications master list for drug, dose, frequency, and route (GEN-3587). Generations Accounts Receivable module for tracking AR (invoicing, payments, credit memos) (GEN-3564). Overview Step-by-step...

Software Update Feb 21, 2024

New Features: Referral Source: Multiple Enhancements(GEN-1837) Ability to group, filter, and assign by company hierarchy. Redesigned page to reflect company attribute. New assigned clients tab to view all clients assigned to the referral source. Help Documentation Flu...