This update we expanded capabilities to monitor and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic proactively. Telephony  Messaging now has a repeat message capability. These messages are read/heard by caregivers every time they log into the app or check-in for their shift using telephony. We’ve also added the ability to track revenue impact by including the cancelled shift reason on the projected billing report. Furthermore, we’ve made it easier resume service, and reinstate previously assigned shifts, from the client’s interruption of service.

We are expecting to release a caregiver screening module next week which is tightly integrated with Generations Telephony.

Release Note Details

  • Caregiver “Skills” have been changed to “Attributes”. This change better reflects how the list can, and is frequently used. Ex. Wheelchair accessible van or COVID-19 negative.
  • Rhode Island State Interface with Sandata is available.
  • Telephony Messaging
    • You can now add a recurring message. We recommend you use this as part of your caregiver screening process for COVID-19.
  • Projected Billing Export
    • Added cancelled shift reasons filter. This can be used to track loss of revenue due to coronavirus and other cancellation reasons.
  • Client Interruptions of Service (IOS)
    • Ability to reactivate cancelled shifts when the IOS is over, and optimizations for restoring deleted schedules when the IOS ends.
  • Online Application
    • Removed the captcha, as this was causing some issues with mobile devices.
  • Other minor fixes and optimization to various areas, including Interruptions of Service, Maine interface with Sandata, 837p, reports, and online application.