Minor patch including the following tickets.

  • 427425 Font size in Firefox drop-down lists are smaller than standard font size.
  • 427616 MARS report medication could appear duplicated.
  • 428217 Improved Travel Time messaging for inactive payroll item validation.
  • 428211 Restricted billing export access to users class/locations.
  • 427737/427445 Updates for clients in Singapore.
  • 427556/429637 Fixes for Tellus EVV interface.
  • 429315 Paycheck protection FTE report – date range validation fix.
  • 427559 DMAS /Tellus (VA) tasks. Change is the tasks are not set as required by default.  Agency will need to select them as required when scheduling.
  • 429322 Caregiver logout fix for no matched to schedule message that could occur in certain scenarios.
  • Other fixes and optimizations.